We use the national curriculum as the starting point for a theme-based curriculum which is delivered through three main areas:
Computer science
Information technology
Digital literacy
Pupils acquire skills and knowledge through participating in a curriculum which exposes them to computational thinking skills (algorithms, patterns, extracting and interpreting information and evaluative skills). They also develop the ability to use and manipulate software and programs (word processing, presenting, databases, animation and digital art) By engaging in such activity, pupils increase their knowledge and understanding around digital literacy and how information and communication technology helps us to express and develop ideas in readiness for taking their place in the digital world.
Each unit of work takes a similar approach to other subject areas in that pupils acquire knowledge and skills in sequence in a way that expands on prior learning. This subject area has strong links with maths, science, design technology and, where appropriate, teachers ensure these links are exploited. Progression documents support planning and ensure that learning material is age appropriate, builds on prior learning and is preparing pupils to take next steps. Teachers assess pupils’ progress using progression documents as well as low stakes quizzes and tests to check for knowledge retention. Assessing skills acquisition is an ongoing focus for teachers so that by the end of the unit, they can combine assessment information to form accurate judgements around pupils’ attainment.
Units of learning are routinely punctuated with e-safety lesson so that pupils are supported in knowing how to stay safe, manage risks and become responsible digital citizens.