At the beginning of the Spring Term, Sam from Living Streets came into school to explain the WOW Walk to School Challenge that St Stephen’s pupils are being set! In a very interactive assembly, Sam explained the different types of travel and how active travel can be accessed by everyone! Walking to school and active travel has many benefits for us including healthier bodies and minds as well as helping the environment by reducing pollution. Active travel also means less cars at the school gates which means less risk of accidents! On top of all of that, it is a fun activity to do with family and friends.
We talked about the different types of active travel including:
· Walking
· Cycle
· Scoot
· Park and stride - park at least 5-10 minutes away from school and walk the rest of the journey.
Therefore, even families who live further away from school can get involved by parking a little further away or getting off a stop earlier on public transport and including a walk in their journey to and from school.
A new badge can be earned every month if pupils’ walk/wheel, cycle, scoot or Park and Stride at least once a week. WOW 2024/25 encourages pupils to Walk with Imagination, with a selection of badges ranging from a Bird's Eye View to Road Surfing up for grabs. The badges are made in Cornwall from material that was otherwise destined for landfill, including fridge trays, plastic plates and yoghurt pot off-cuts.
Over 100 badges were given out in the first month of the challenge in January, with many pupils very close to a badge! We hope to keep the momentum going throughout the winter months and into the summer term too. Well done to everyone who has got involved!